Established in 2001, the not-for-profit World of Pinot Noir brings top producers from the most exceptional and unique regions in the world together with Pinot Noir enthusiasts for a weekend of celebration and education on the shores of California’s beautiful Central Coast.
In keeping with our mission, a portion of the proceeds from our Online Silent Auction will be donated to non-profit institutions and/or scholarships that help further educate and enlighten the world about the storied Pinot Noir grape.
NEW in 2024/2025! The World of Pinot Noir Silent Auction will open for preview on October 18, 2024. Bidding will begin October 21, 2024, and close on November 1, 2024.
Our fully virtual format allows all Pinot Noir fans across the country to bid on these special wines and packages. Stay tuned to see this year's offerings! Registration is now open for the virtual auction. Click the button below to register.