In 2015, Dave Phinney set his eyes on an extreme property just outside the Central Coast town of Lompoc. The abandoned row crop farm was on the western edge of the Sta. Rita Hills AVA, known for its sandy, silica-rich, diatomaceous earth soils and cool, windy climate that produce Pinot Noir and Chardonnay unlike anywhere. After years of hard work planting Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dave and his team decided to start a new brand focused exclusively on producing Pinot Noir and Chardonnay from the vineyard, so much so that the vineyard and wine is known as ʻOLGʼ. Simply put, this is the only project in the United States where Dave makes wine from a vineyard he owns. 2021 was the inaugural vintage for OLG Pinot Noir with our first OLG Chardonnay debuting in the 2022 vintage.